
Angiography Cost in India

Angiography, also known as arteriography, is an imaging technique which is used to look inside the lumen of the heart, arteries, veins and different blood vessels. This test is used to study if there is any blocked, narrowed, enlarged, or malformation within the arteries or veins in any part of the body like heart, brain, legs, abdomen etc.

Generally, the different types of angiogram tests include the below (depending on where the tube is inserted on the body):

  • Coronary angiography
  • Cerebral angiography
  • Pulmonary angiography
  • Renal angiography

Is coronary angiogram painful?

A local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area where the catheter will be inserted. The needle prick is just like what you feel when getting an injection, and won’t be major. Also there won’t be any pain when the tube is inserted.


The diagnosis and evaluation of angiography depends on the type of angiography that is done on the patient. An angiogram basically helps the doctor to evaluate whether you need treatments such as angioplasty or stent or coronary bypass surgery or any other form of invasive medical therapy.

Why an angiography is done are?

  • To visualize the flow of blood to and from brain that is to detect any aneurysm
  • It can also be used in intervention work on coil embolized aneurysms
  • In case of angina or severe chest pain when blood supply to heart is restricted
  • In case of blood clots or blockage in the arteries supplying blood in your lungs that is pulmonary embolism
  • If any abnormalities are detected during ECG or EKG or cardiac stress test
  • In case of blockage in blood supply to your kidneys
  • In case of heart attack
  • To detect if your arteries are narrowing down i.e. atherosclerosis which would also signify that you are at a risk of heart attack or stroke
  • In case of any atypical pain in jaw, neck or arm which is inconclusive in other tests