Corporate Health Checkup Packages

A healthy employee equals a flourishing business. When the workforce is hale and hearty, productivity behind the desk increases many fold.

Today, organizations and corporates are emphasizing enormously upon their employee's health. Corporate health checkups are a mandate with every company, be it small or big.

In the competitive corporate world, employees go through rigorous work routine, have to meet deadlines, eat junk and fast food regularly, keep sitting at their work stations for long hours, sleep less and remain under stress of work pressure most of the times. All this is bound to take a toll on their health.

Such unhealthy ways of living may lead to several diseases. Unfortunately, lifestyle diseases like heart ailments, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers remain asymptomatic in their initial stages and do not exhibit pronounced symptoms. Due to this, diseases lay hidden and go unnoticed for a long duration until they reach their late stages when the treatment and management becomes extensive, expensive and difficult.

Corporate Medical Checkups - A Wise Investment

Companies understand the importance of executive wellness for their employees. An unfit and unhealthy employee loses his productivity due to frequent absenteeism, lack of concentration and low energy levels at work.

Regular health screening is the key to good employee health management.

NTP Healthcare offers tailor-made corporate medical checkups for working professionals. The employee wellness program packages are designed specifically to suit executive's healthcare needs, keeping in mind industrial and occupational hazards.

Tests included in the corporate health checkup packages will give a clear insight of the employee's health status and will also provide him the way forward to appropriate treatment and management, if any abnormality is detected.

Health Checkups - A Great Tax Saving Tool!

The benefits of regular health checkups do not end with saving life, money and mental/physical ordeal but it helps in saving tax too.

A tax payer can get tax benefit of up to Rs. 5000 under section 80D (IT Act) on a preventive health checkup.

Corporate health checkups are a great tool to protect employee wellness and family/senior citizen concierge in turn earn wellness and happiness for him and his entire family.

Healthy workforce indicates high productivity; thereby corporate health checkup is mandatory and includes a routine check with the physician followed by consultation. During consultation, physician will guide you on your overall status and true picture of the health based on the physical examination.

To know more about  NTP Health care corporate health checkup packages, query and suggestion fill the query form and we will get back at you at earliest.
